Saturday, 5 January 2013

Inflatable Sculpture

The Finished piece (Easter Island Head)

Ironing the pieces together

I took part in a project which fourth year sculpture students were involved in which was called inflatable sculpture.
I really had no idea about this technique until the day of the workshop and I also must admit to seeing it outside in the front gardens at the start of the year .
The construction of these sculptures is pretty spectacular.
The material used is like an industrial plastic mainly used for rubble collection. The plastic is cut to scaler and shape after it has been designed , the pieces are then ironed together amongst a sheet of tinfoil so as not to melt them.
The whole procedure is very quick and has a profound effect in large scale which it is often used for.
I enjoyed the experience thoroughly and came away without and burns ....success!!!!

Exploring Felting

Exposing the inside space and it's contents

Cutting into the centre of the ball

Sampling the felting technique with different colored morino wool

Larger scale felted piece around plastic bag which was filled with scrap pieces of knit room then cut into

Small felted balls with trapped threads

My most recent explorations have been in the area of felting. One of my tutors Liz kindly took some of her time out to show me how to use this technique and relate it to my project.
I absolutely loved this technique and made many little pieces.
Using a tennis ball and a golf ball as a structure i wrapped the morino wool around them and trapped different fibres and wools inside which I then cut into to reveal the inside space