Friday, 9 November 2012

Frances Lambe

I did some research in the ceramisist and sculptor Frances Lambe.
I found her ceramic pieces to be very interesting and thought provoking.
Lambe often works with marine objects and creatures which kind of ties in with what i'm looking at at the moment.
The pieces are often done in white plaster or clay that is not glazed!
I printed off some images for my contextual notebook that I found .
I like the way the pieces and objects have an almost un-finished or un-polished look about them , they look and resemble very organic forms from the seabed , like sea erchins and spikey marine creatures.
I am quite interested in looking at the hidden parts of the sea and what they may contain?
Afterall only 30% of our oceans and marine creatures have been un-earthed and investigated , which leaves such a large area to discover.

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